•Christmas-comercial date or a religious participe

With the passing of the years to many families forgot what Christmas really means Christmas is extremely important as we are celebrating the birth of Jesus the Son of God in the world but over time many people do not see that so they took advantage is As Special tab dates To get brands raise prices to stores make many people spend a Christmas not as nice as they raise many prices and many people can not afford to buy such expensive things. For me Christmas lately turned into something very commercial the traditions of an lost people no longer spend it in family just think of their gifts or how to get money for Christmas because thousands of people take advantage of that cute time of the year to do Business and not be aware of your family They should retake traditions people to be more inclined to share in family than anything else go to mass celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ Christmas is a time to be happy with family and my being pending to make money Neither of the gifts but be aware of how important it is to spend with family


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